7 Best Flutter Slider Packages in 2023
A slider is a UI control that allows the user to select a value from a range. It is often used to control settings such as volume or brightness.
The best thing about Flutter is the wide range of options available when it comes to choosing a Slider package. You can easily find a slider that fits your needs and budget.
The Best Flutter Slider Packages
Here are some of the best Flutter Slider packages:

This is a sleek, circular progress bar for Flutter. This highly customizable component provides an appealing visual experience with ease of use.

You can create a beautiful, professional-looking site with the flutter balloon slider. The floating balloon animation and material design look will make your website stand out from other sites in its category!

The syncfusion_flutter_sliders package is a native Dart application that can be used to develop high-quality, interactive sliders for use in your app. It includes three types of customizable filters: slider (which displays an index), range slicer, and selector list boxes with versatile features such as support for both numbers or dates—and even tooltips!
This is a material design slider and range sliders with RTL support. You can modify the slider’s direction as a horizontal and vertical one.
You can use this easy-to-customize slider widget to create beautiful sliders in no time.

Use this slider to create a radio button stepper for your app. It has radio buttons at each step, which can be expanded.

By adding an additional alternative (text) input field, you can make use of the advantages that Sliders have while minimizing their drawbacks.
This package combines both a TextField with this function in one single component; it has shared values such as minimum/maximum text lengths for convenience purposes only since each value will be edited individually through your application’s user interface anyway!