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Library vs Package vs Plugin vs Module

Any developer will know about the library, package, module, and plugin. They allow us to reuse code, add new functionality, and make our applications more robust. Without them, the development would be a much more difficult and time-consuming process.

What Are They?

What’s the difference between a library, package, plugin, and module? It can be confusing to keep track of all the different terms, so let’s break it down. A


A module is a self-contained unit of code that can be used by other programs or applications. It is a way to modularize code and add new functionality without having to make changes to the core codebase.

Modules are typically written in the same programming language as the program or application they are extending. For example, a module for a Java-based application would be written in Java. But it is also possible to write modules in other languages, such as C++ or Python.


A package is a group of related modules that are bundled together. A package can have many modules, and each module can have many classes or sub-packages.

Packages provide a way to modularize code and add new functionality without having to make changes to the core codebase.


A library is a collection of routines, functions, and data structures that are used by a program or application. It is a collection of packages that you can include in your code to add features without worrying about the underlying packages. 


A plugin or extension is a piece of software that adds extra features or functionality to an existing program. It can be used to add new functionality to an existing application or to extend the capabilities of an existing library.


  • The code is easier to understand and maintain.
  • They can be reused in other programs or applications.
  • They can be replaced or updated without affecting the rest of the codebase.
  • They can be tested independently before being integrated into the main codebase.
  • They can be distributed separately from the main program or application, which makes it easy to share code with others.
  • They can be used to add new functionality to an existing program or application without having to make changes to the core codebase.


  • The code can be more difficult to understand if they aren’t well-documented.
  • They can be difficult to debug because they are not part of the main program or application.
  • If they aren’t compatible with the rest of the code, they can cause errors.
  • They can be difficult to update if they are tightly coupled with the rest of the codebase.

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