Symfony Boilerplates: Starter Kits, CMSs
A boilerplate is a skeleton or foundation for developing a new project. Symfony provides several boilerplates to help you get started with your project. In this article, we will explore the best Symfony boilerplates.
Symfony is a web development framework that helps you create websites and web applications with PHP. It’s known for its speed and security.
Using a boilerplate saves you time, as it already has the basic code: like controllers, views and configuration set up for you to use. All of these save developers hours of work. But don’t be afraid: boilerplates are actually easy to use! Let’s see how to do that.
Symfony Boilerplates and Starter Kits
Symfony Boilerplate

A small company or startup will often start out with one needed feature to get the business off the ground before scaling to implement more features as time, money, and resources allow for it. But these days many multiple documented lean methodologies are emerging which recommend using holistic incrementalism to achieve product goals by breaking them into smaller releases or deliverables 1-2 weeks in length rather than months long projects.
To help integrate this principle of gradual improvement into your development process without requiring you to install any additional frameworks onto your server, we introduce our newest integration: The “Symfony Boilerplate” starter kit. Built on top of the fantastic Nuxt.js framework, Symfony 5.4 (LTS), and GraphQL 5, this starter kit helps you get a working app up and running in under 10 minutes without any configuration whatsoever!
Symfony 5 ES CQRS Boilerplate
Symfony 5 ES CQRS Boilerplate is an advanced development platform that provides everything you need to get started in developing DDD, CQRS, and Event Sourcing applications using Symfony as your framework of choice and running on PHP 8.
This boilerplate comes fully loaded with features such as an environment that’s run in Docker, the Symfony Messenger, the Event Store, a Read Model, and Async Event subscribers. In addition to all of that awesomeness, it also boasts a REST API as well as a Swagger API Doc.
The goal of this boilerplate is to provide you with a mature starting point so that you can hit the ground running and develop your application with ease.
Best Symfony CMSs
Symfony y is a wonderfully minimal PHP+MySQL based open source CMS that utilizes XSLT and XML as its backbone. This is akin in function to Textpattern, ExpressionEngine, Drupal, and WordPress. While this is certainly able to ruin a regular blog or site, its theoretical elegance and focus on information structures puts it in an exceptional position, spanning the line between a content management system and a full web app framework like Ruby or Django. Below is the top 10 best Symphony CMS.
This is a very popular, free and open source content management system which powers innumerable websites all over the world and other web applications. Drupal is made, utilized and supported by a community of active and diverse web developing experts around the world. This CMS allows you to make, publish as well as manage and organize web content with a myriad of options for customization. You can use this CMS to build all kinds of web property which include personal blogs, social networking websites or any other enterprise application. The built-in Drupal modules and designs allow you to create any site you would imagine. This CMS is written in a specific coding language and language utilized in PHP.
Joomla is a CMS, which is more commonly utilized to create websites and powerful online apps. This is the best option for web development for small to medium-sized business. You can use this CMS for a big corporation and can make small sized business to complex e-commerce or social networking portal. It offers a simple way to manage web content. The best thing about this CMS is that you can use this without any prior knowledge of web development. This is a free open source CMS, so its source code can be customized and modified as and when needed. It offers high reliability and quality in web development and is affordable. It is considered a perfect package for any web development company. It offered several code samples and associated with documentation which is valuable in web development.
This is Symfony based CMS is made for businesses. It is very flexible to make as well as manage business multi-sites and a dependable development setting for high-performance applications. It has powerful developers and simple UI, making it a perfect tool for state of the art business websites and web-based software. This CMS is created with the demands of industry and business in mind, it is easy to include data from external resources, ideal for creating any kind of business application and it supports multi-language, multi-channel as well as multi-portal.
Ez Platform
This is considered a pure full stack content management system that is made for business-critical digital apps which have to be widely quality-assured, stable as well as fully featured with extra value-added functions, support, and even maintenance services.
If you are looking for a fast yet modern flat-file CMS, look no further than Grav. This is very flexible and simple flat-file content management system. While it is intentionally minimal, the widespread plug-in architecture enables it to adapt to virtually any task. The super powerful Twig templating feature, make sure the development is just limited by your thinking. It is super fast and can scale many flat-file CMS systems.
Bolt is an open source CMS that strives to be as straightforward and simple as possible. This CMS is easy to install, configure and uses elegant templates. It is also fun to use. It is made for editors and developers alike. It uses Twig for templates, a remarkable, concise and flexible templating language which enables you to write templates according to your liking. It is very responsive, powerful content types, and most of all free to use.
This is also an open source CMS with a huge global network, supported by approximately 900 users of the TYPO3 Association. You can use this CMS for free, websites, online apps, and intranet, this ideal for small websites to big or multinational industries and reliable and fully featured, with real scalability.
This is an open source CMS published in the year 2006. Beginning with version 4, Contao is a full stack framework based on the Symfony and steadily migrates the current libraries to the components of Symfony.
This CMS optimizes user experience. This open source CMS utilizes On Page Editing architecture making the contribution of content intuitive and safe without compromising the performance of the platform. This CMS is also conceived to make Out of the Box sites which are very responsive.
Many clients and digital studios out there trusted this CMS. Roadiz is a modern CMS based on a node system which can handle many types of services. Based on Symfony components and Doctrine ORM, it allows you to create your data schema from scratch and to organise your content as you want.
These are just some of the many Symfony based CMSs available. These are very useful to editors and web developers. With so many CMS available out there, you will surely find one that will match your needs and preferences.