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Convert a String into an Array in PHP

One of the most common tasks in PHP is converting a string into an array. This can be especially useful when working with CSV files or other data that is delimited by commas.

Fortunately, PHP makes it easy to split a string into an array using the explode(), split(), or preg_split() functions.

  • The explode() function takes two arguments: the string to be split and the delimiter.
  • The split() function is similar to explode(), except that it uses a regular expression as the delimiter.
  • The preg_split() function is the same as split(), except that it uses a regular expression as the delimiter. This can be useful when you need to split a string into an array based on a specific pattern.
$fruit = 'apple,orange,banana,pear';
$fruit_array = explode(',', $fruit);
/* Result: Array ( 

    0 => apple 

    1 => orange 

    2 => banana 

    3 => pear 

) */
$color = 'red|green|blue';
$color_array = split('\|', $color); // Note: must escape | character with \  
$columns = "ID,Name,Age,Email,Username";  
$columnsArray = preg_split("/\,/", $columns); 

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