How to Make a Real Estate Website
A real estate website is a website that is used to sell or buy property. The website usually contains a list of properties that are for sale, as well as information about the property, such as the address, price, and pictures.

There are a lot of things to think about when creating a real estate website. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We’ve put together a curated list of resources to help you make your real estate website.
Essential Elements of a Real Estate Website
When you’re putting together your real estate website, there are certain elements that are essential. These elements will help make your website user-friendly and informative, and they’ll also help you close deals.
Here are the essential elements of a real estate website:
A Homepage That’s Easy to Navigate
The homepage is the most important page on a website. It’s the first thing that buyers will see, so it’s important to make sure it makes a good impression. The homepage should be easy to navigate and contain all the relevant information. If potential buyers can’t find what they’re looking for, they’re likely to move on to another site.
So, it’s essential to spend some time creating a homepage that will appeal to buyers and make it easy for them to find what they’re looking for. With a little effort, you can ensure that your homepage makes a great first impression and helps turn visitors into buyers.
Some things to consider adding to your homepage include:
- A search bar so visitors can easily find what they’re looking for
- Featured listings
- Your contact information
- Links to your social media accounts
- A blog or news section
Informative Property Listings
Of course, one of the most important parts of a real estate website are the property listings. Your listings should be clear and concise, and they should contain all the relevant information about the property. This includes things like square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, any special features or amenities, and contact information for the listing agent.
In addition, your listings should include high-quality photos that give potential buyers a good sense of what the property looks like. With clear and informative listings, you can give buyers the information they need to make an informed decision about whether or not to purchase a property.
Some things to include in your listings are:
- The address of the property
- The price of the property
- A description of the property
- Photos of the property
- Contact information for the listing agent
Easy Ways to Contact You
It’s important to make it easy for potential buyers to contact you. After all, they’re not going to buy a property if they can’t get in touch with you.
So, make sure to include your contact information on every page of your website. You can also add a contact form or a live chat feature to make it even easier for people to reach out.
By making it easy for buyers to contact you, you’re more likely to close the deal on a sale. And that’s something we all want.
A Clean and Professional Design
Last but not least, you want to make sure that your real estate website has a clean and professional design. A well-designed website will look more credible and trustworthy to potential clients, and it will also be more user-friendly. easy to navigate. If your website is cluttered or difficult to use, visitors are likely to click away in frustration, and they may never come back.
On the other hand, a well-designed website will keep visitors engaged and encourage them to explore all that your company has to offer. When it comes to real estate web design, first impressions really do matter. So make sure that your site is up to par before you start driving traffic to it.
Some things to consider when designing your website include:
- The overall layout of the website
- The color scheme
- The typography
- The images and graphics
- The overall user experience
Now that you know the essential elements of a real estate website, it’s time to start putting yours together. Just remember to keep your target audience in mind, and to focus on making your website user-friendly and informative. And if you need any help, we are always here to lend a hand.
Estatik is a powerful and feature-rich real estate plugin that offers a wide range of features in one plugin. With Estatik, you can easily create an unlimited number of custom fields of any type, including text, number, area, attachments, files, contact fields, and more.
Additionally, Estatik allows you to manage your listings from the front, sort by price, date, or popularity, and use over 50 shortcodes to customize your website. Other notable features include social sharing, a photo gallery and video support, multilingual support, a slideshow widget, and a search widget.
It includes a great map view, eliminating any reason to get a map plugin. And if that's not enough, a mortgage calculator is also built into the plugin. Aside from that, the plugin integrates with PayPal to accept client subscriptions for repeat customers who wish to add listings on a regular basis.

With the Real Estate Pro plugin, you get an amazing-looking site with all of its configurations done for ya! There’s no need to waste time fiddling around in settings when it already looks perfect right out of the box. Plus this powerful tool offers clean listing modules that allow customers to purchase through PayPal or Stripe; responsive designs so they can browse listings on their phone or tablet without any hassle.
The plugin is compatible and integrated with MailChimp, allowing you to store all new customer emails in your database. Additionally, it allows you to use Visual Composer and configure subscriptions. You can also charge for things like adding a listing, claiming a listing, selling a VIP badge, or even accessing the site.
Furthermore, the plugin translates into 13 languages. Finally, the users that come to your site can bid to get the top search rank.

Houzez is a world-renowned WordPress theme for professional real estate agents and agencies. Houzez offers an extensive set of features that your client might not have even dreamt about, including agent and agency profile pages, ratings and reviews, chart data, agent management, agent and agency listing pages, and contact information.
By displaying well-designed agent and agency profile pages, Houzez instills confidence in your visitors. With such an amazing feature set, Houzez is the perfect starting point for any serious designer looking to create top-notch designs.
Houzez lets you design and customizes unique lead capture forms to help you turn your site visitors into potential customers. Each form is connected with Houzez CRM and your email inbox, so you can keep track of all your leads and customers without having to pay for an external CRM solution. Houzez also allows you to administer a real estate marketplace, coordinate agents, and accept property submissions.