How to Check If Record Is Created or Updated Successful in Laravel?
If you’re using Laravel, and need to know if a record has been created or updated successfully, it can be done pretty easily. Laravel Eloquent is an ORM or object-relational mapper. It provides a mechanism for mapping between PHP objects and database tables. Eloquent is used to simplify working with databases by providing a set of classes that map directly to database tables.
It makes the task of checking where a record is updated or created a breeze as well. Here is a way to check if a record has been created successfully in Laravel.
//check if record was created succesfully $message = Message::create($data); if($message->exists){ echo 'created'; } else { echo 'failed'; }
//check if record was updated succesfully $affectedRows = Message::where('id', 12)->update(["body" => "Updated body"]); if($affectedRows > 0){ echo 'updated'; } else { echo 'failed'; }