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How to Add Launcher Icon to Your Flutter App

By default, your app uses the Flutter icon as the app’s icon. This is not good for branding as your app will have a generic-looking icon. It is highly recommended that you replace the default icon with your own brand’s logo. This can be accomplished with a few steps:

You need to add your brand’s logo to the project. The recommended size for the logo is 512×512 pixels. Once you have added the logo, you can update the pubspec.yaml file to reference it.

After preparing the logo, you can start import flutter_launcher_icons package. This package makes it a breeze to change your icon, and it comes with a variety of great features to make things even easier.

Next, you need to configure the app’s launcher icon. This is done by specifying the “image_path” key in the pubspec.yaml file.

    sdk: flutter
  flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.9.2

  android: true
  ios: true
  image_path: "assets/icon/my_custom_launcher.png"

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