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Facebook Smiley Codes

Facebook is a great way to stay connected with friends and family all over the world. But sometimes, words just aren’t enough to express how you’re feeling. That’s where Facebook smiley codes come in! By using a combination of characters, you can create faces that convey a range of emotions, from happy to sad to confused. There’s even a code for sticking out your tongue. So the next time you’re updating your status, don’t be afraid to show your feelings with a Facebook smiley code.

What is a Smiley?

Emoticons are a fun and easy way to communicate emotions online. They originated from the very first smiley image that was embedded into early chat systems – the smiley face. Since then, emoticons have evolved to become an integral part of online communication. There are now thousands of different emoticons to choose from, ranging from simple smileys to more complex images.

And new emoticons are being created all the time. Emoticons are a great way to add personality to your conversations and to express yourself creatively. So next time you’re chatting online, don’t be afraid to use an emoticon or two – they’ll help liven up the conversation!

What are Facebook Smiley Codes?

Smiley codes are little pieces of code that you can add to your posts that will turn into a smiley face when viewed on Facebook or Messenger. For example, if you wanted to add a winking smiley face to your post, you would type in “:p” and it would turn into this: 😉

You can also use smiley codes to make animated emoticons. For example, if you type in “(Y)”, it will turn into this: 🙃

There are hundreds of different Facebook smiley codes that you can use to add emotion to your posts. So if you’re ever feeling lost for words, don’t worry – just break out the smiley codes and start chatting!

A List of Smiley Codes for Facebook

DescriptionSmileySmiley Codes
Normal SmileFacebook Chat normal smile emoticon=):):-)
Toothy GrinFacebook Chat toothy grin emoticon:-D:D=D
WinkFacebook Chat wink emoticon;);-)
Open Mouth GaspFacebook Chat open mouth gasp emoticon:O:-O:-o:o
SadFacebook Chat frown emoticon:-(:(:[=(
Sticking Out TongueFacebook Chat sticking out tongue emoticon:-p:p=p
Curly SmileFacebook Chat curly smile emoticon:3
KissFacebook Chat kiss emoticon:-*:*
GlassesFacebook Chat glasses emoticon8-)8)B-)B)
AngryFacebook Chat angry emoticon>:(>:-(
SunglassesFacebook Chat sunglasses emoticon8->|8|B-|B|
Very AngryFacebook Chat very angry emoticon>:O>:-O>:o>:-o
ConfusedFacebook Chat confused emoticono.OO.o
UnsureFacebook Chat unsure emoticon:-/:/:\:-\
CryFacebook Chat cry emoticon:'(

Now you can insert smileys without opening the emoticon list by fast typing the codes.

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