Drupal Boilerplates: Starter Kits and Plugin Generators
Drupal is a popular content management system that offers robust features and a huge community of developers and users. If you’re new to Drupal, or if you’re looking for a better way to structure your Drupal development, using a boilerplate can be a great option. In this article, we’ll take a look at the best boilerplates for Drupal development. Let’s get started!
Drupal Boilerplates & Starter Kits
Metadrop’s Drupal Boilerplate

Metadrop’s Drupal Boilerplate has everything you need to get your new Drupal project up and running in no time. With a wide variety of pre-configured tools and modules, this boilerplate makes it easy to get started on your new website.
With a Docker infrastructure, you’ll be able to work quickly and efficiently, while a boilerplate folder structure ensures that all of your project needs are met. With comprehensive documentation and coding standards enforced by Grumphp, you can be sure that your code is up to snuff.
It includes everything you need to get up and running quickly, including Phpqa for static analysis, Behat BDD testing, PHPUnit unit testing, BackstopJS visual regression testing, Stylelint checking style files, and the Scripthor toolset with some handy scripts for development. Plus, it’s ready to use with Solr so you can start indexing your content right away.
Drupal Console
Drupal Console is a tool to generate boilerplate code, interact with and debug Drupal. It empowers developers by giving them the commands they need in the formats they want. It improves productivity for everyone through its powerful command line interface that’s flexible enough for any developer to use yet still incredibly easy-to-use.
Drupal Console also opens up Drupal development process to more contributors because it automates common tasks which allow regular site builders to focus on customizing their own content rather than wrestling with how to run updates or create simple applications.
Drupal Console is based on the Symfony Console and other well-known third-party components like Twig, Guzzle, and Dependency.
Decoupled Drupal with GraphQL and React
This starter kit is based on React, GraphQL, and Apollo – including server-side rendering – and is perfect for anyone looking to make the most of their Drupal websites. With this boilerplate, you’ll be able to take advantage of powerful features like dynamic content loading and real-time updates, all while keeping your sites lightweight and easy to manage.
Docksal powered Drupal 8 Installation
This handy pre-configured installation is perfect for you! The developers have included everything you need to get started, from the default LAMP stack to Drush aliases. Plus, this image version pinning ensures that your installation will always be up-to-date.
Plugins and Themes Generators
Module generator UI
With this handy tool, you can quickly generate code from template files packaged into the module. This allows you to create modules with paths and permissions quickly and easily – perfect for any Drupal developer.
What the module can do:
- Create a module with .info.yml file.
- Create .install file (hook_schema, hook_install, hook_uninstall, hook_requirements).
- Create a menu router with its controller / form and task.
- Create permission.
- Generate form / config form and form with AJAX features.
- Generate blocks.
- Cache API example.
- Email.
- Formatter plugin.
- Field widget and field type (processing…)
- …and generate a generator!