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How to Initialize Variables in Constructor Body In Dart

A constructor is a special type of method that is called when you create a new instance of a class. The constructor is responsible for initializing the state of the object.

In Dart, you can initialize variables in the constructor body by 3 methods.

  • Init a variable’s value on the declaration
  • Use a semi-colon to assign values to variables
  • Use late keyword
class Task {
    String title = '';
    String description = '';

    Task(this.title, this.description) {

class Task {
    String title = '';
    String description = '';

    Task(this.title, this.description) {

class Task {
    String title;
    String description;

    Task(this.title, this.description) : title = 'Daily task',  description = 'Need to finish today'{

class Task {
    late String title;
    late String description;

    Task(this.title, this.description){
        title = 'Fix Flutter errors';  
        description = '';

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