How to Evaluate a Variable’s Data Type in Dart
Dart is a typed language, which means that every variable has a type. In Dart, data types are classified as either primitive or reference. A variable’s data type is determined by the value it stores. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how to evaluate a variable’s data type.
You can check what type of data a variable contains by using the runtimeType property or is operator.
var data = ["Good morning", 13354, 7.223344, [], {}, Product('Metal Ring', 300.00)]; //user is and !is if (data[0] is String) print(data[0]); if (data[1] is int) print(data[1]); if (data[2] is! int) print(data[2]); if (data[3] is List) print('List'); if (data[4] is Object) print('Object'); if (data[5] is Product) print(data[5].toString()); //use runtimeType if (data[1].runtimeType == int) print('Int'); if (data[3].runtimeType == [].runtimeType) print('List');