Blank 11ty Template
Eleventy is a static site generator that offers a lot of flexibility and power while still being simple to use. The Blank 11ty Template is a great starting point for Eleventy projects, as it includes all the basic files and features you need to get up and running.
The template includes layout files for the base, footer, header, and navigation, as well as two main post types (post and page). The CSS and JavaScript files are also included, so you can easily customize the look and feel of your site.
The navigation is also simple to set up, so you can quickly get your visitors where they need to go. Plus, the template includes metadata for SEO, so you can make sure your site is well-optimized from the start.


You can use this template and then add any CSS framework of your choice to it. After downloading the repository, you can use npm install
to install all required packages.