5 Best Flutter Clipboard Packages in 2023
A clipboard is a temporary storage area used by an operating system to store data that has been cut or copied from a document or other source. The clipboard is also known as the “kill buffer”.
Clipboards are one of those underrated tools that can make your development life a whole lot easier. Not only do they provide a quick way to copy and paste text, but they also let you store snippets of code for reuse. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at five different clipboard packages for Flutter. Whether you’re looking for something basic or more sophisticated, we’ve got you covered! So without further ado, let’s get started!
The Best Flutter Clipboard Packages
Clipboard package allows developers to integrate the copy and paste text feature.
clipboard_monitor is a powerful Flutter plugin that allows you to monitor the system clipboard for changes on Android and iOS. With clipboard_monitor, you can detect when text or images are copied to the clipboard, making it easy to track and respond to user actions.
clipboard_manager is the simple flutter plugin to copy text to the clipboard in both Android and iOS.
The pasteboard plugin is the perfect way to quickly and easily integrate images and files copy. Just define what you want to transfer, and the plugin takes care of the rest!
With safe_clipboard, you can have quick and easy access to your clipboard – with added security options. This handy tool makes it easy to manage your clipboard contents, so you can work more efficiently.